Guide to Know Everything Connected to Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third molars and are the last teeth to grow in an adult’s complete set of teeth. Most of the time, these teeth do not come out adequately. In this situation, dentists call these impacted wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth generally grow in late youth or earlier adulthood. It does not cause issues when they come out, except when they become trapped under the gums. Having a small mouth with abundant teeth does not allow wisdom teeth to come through as they do not fully appear in the mouth. It can also lead to infections, pain in the ear, and swelling.

Nashville Family Dentistry Explains the Causes of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

There are many factors that contribute to an individual having impacted wisdom teeth. They typically emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. People will have wisdom teeth that get impacted because there is not enough room to grow. However, wisdom teeth that are severely impacted cannot come out of the gums properly. The best dentist in Nashville explains if you have impacted wisdom teeth, you may experience the following symptoms.

·         A wisdom tooth that grows by pointing in the direction of the next tooth.

·         A wisdom tooth that appears from the gums toward the back of the mouth.

·        A wisdom tooth that appears from the gums at a right angle as compared to the rest of the teeth.

Further, impacted wisdom teeth can slide against other teeth and cause crowding. The nashville orthodontist will provide treatments to straighten uneven teeth.

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

This depends on the individual and how the wisdom tooth grows, as impacted wisdom teeth can be painful. However, you will have symptoms if it becomes infected, causes harm to other teeth, or drives other dental problems. Here are some of the indications and symptoms you need to be aware of. 

·         Bleeding Gums

·         Swollen Jaw and Gums

·         Ache in Jaw

·         Unpleasant taste

·         Having problems while opening your mouth


Impacted wisdom teeth can induce several issues in the mouth over a period of time.

1.      Damage to other teeth

When the wisdom tooth presses against the second molar, it may harm the second molar or expand the risk of infection in that particular area. This pressure can also induce problems with the crowding of the other teeth or demand orthodontic treatment to work on other teeth.

2.      Decay

The impacted wisdom teeth seem to be at higher risk of tooth decay as compared to other teeth. It probably happens because wisdom teeth are more difficult to clean, and bacteria get easily tangled between the gum and a partly broken tooth.

3.      Cysts

The wisdom tooth grows in a sac within the jawbone. This sac can easily get filled with fluid that helps in forming a cyst that can harm the jawbone, teeth, and nerves. A harmless tumor can occur in rare situations that make it mandatory to remove the tissue and bone.

4.      Gum disease

The problem of cleaning impacted, partially broken wisdom teeth raises the risk of developing an inflammatory gum condition. This gum infection causes gum destruction and can harm the jawbone.

Best Dentist in Nashville Gives the Options for Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Removing the wisdom tooth is the most suitable option if you have impacted wisdom teeth. However, the possibility of having surgery makes individuals scared, but the symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth are often more undesirable than the procedure itself. The truth is that wisdom teeth surgery is very common, and it is not as scary as one may assume. To make you feel comfortable throughout the treatment, a dentist at the Dillard Dental Service will numb your mouth. And that is how a simple procedure will withdraw one or more impacted wisdom teeth by the surgeon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the following frequently asked questions on steps to know everything connected to impacted wisdom teeth.

How painful is impacted wisdom teeth removal?

You must not sense any pain as your wisdom teeth are extracted because the area will be numbed. However, if you do feel pain during the process, inform your dentist so they can give you more drugs to keep it numb.

Is it rare to have all four wisdom teeth?

No, having four wisdom teeth is not rare. However, having four wisdom teeth is the most common in many individuals. At times, some people have fewer than four wisdom teeth, while others have more.

Why are top wisdom teeth more comfortable to remove?

The lower jaw bone is thicker than the top jaw bone, so it is much easier to remove wisdom teeth from the top than from the lower.

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